Mar 31, 2017

Pornofilter - igjen

Innenfor visse miljøer blir de aldri ferdige med temaet "pornofiltrering". Dette tross at kunnskapen om dette er omfattende.
KrF terper fortsatt på dette ("Cameron foreslo/sa...").
Noe The Guardian skrev om noen år tilbake David Cameron's internet porn filter is the start of censorship creep
En gammel debatt KrF tilsynelatende aldri gir opp.

Men dette var ingen dum tanke, og absolutt noe som burde pålegges en del foreldre (de som ønsker filtrering) "Cameron to ensure parents are led through a filter process on all new computers "

Tilbakeblikk ca. 2012:
En rekke legitime nettsteder oppdaget tilfeldig at de var blitt blokkert fra mobiloperatører i UK. Legitime nettsteder som overhode ikke hadde noe å gjøre med porno, men som kanskje hadde ord som "sex" i teksten et sted på nettsiden. (Som franske La Quadrature og en rekke andre, tilsvarende tilfeldige).

Jeg har skrevet flere sider om "nettfiltrering" (Internet blokking, se nederst på siden),
men dette er fra Open Group:

Some MPs and religious groups are mounting a campaign to push 'default on' network level blocking on the UK Internet.[1] [2] There is now a public consultation considering this idea.

Email the conultation team now 

However well meaning, we know from our own research [3] what happens when ISPs put blocks on the Internet. Through accident or abuse, censorship leads to lots more content being blocked than originally intended.[4][5]
Sites will get blocked if they casually mention sex. Sexual health sites will get caught.[6] The websites of clubs and bars, personal blogs and community sites get filtered. Chat sites may be banned – because they might not be sufficiently “policed”. In short, if you’re small and independent, you will suffer.
Innovation and free speech are threatened by this clumsy website blocking. And the government is considering turning this on by default.[7] You may be presented with a list of ticked “filtered” categories, and have to untick them if you want to avoid the filtering.
And if this happens at the network, then future governments can easily extend what gets filtered without having to ask you. Mass censorship would be couple of clicks away.We need you to help fight back: email the consultation team now!

Executive Director, Open Rights Group  

Et par år senere, i 2014 er 1 av 5 websider blokkert 
Problemet er så omfangsrikt at Open Rights Group's har utviklet verktøy for å kunne finne om ens websider er blokkert ( se

[1] MPs, see  
[2] See, for example, Premier Christian Media and their campaign at  
[3] ORG's research 
[4] See Coadec  and [5] Computer World
[6] “Even when set at their least restrictive blocking configurations, filters block an average of about one in ten non-pornographic health sites resulting from searches on the terms “condoms,” “safe sex,” and “gay.”” – See no Evil: How Internet Filters Affect the Search for Online Health Information, Kaiser famiuly Foundation, p.8
[7] The Register

Internet blokking - Del I: Om sensur og filtrering av Internet
Internet blokking - Del II: Hva dette betyr for nettet
Internet blokking - Del III: Hva dette betyr for barn

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