Forbrukerrådet ber Regjeringen ta personverngrep 26. september, 2022
United Nations Human Rights
Spyware and surveillance: Threats to privacy and human rights growing, UN report warns 16.sep.2022
Big Brother Watch and Others v. the United Kingdom
European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, Judgment 25.5.2021
Some aspects contrary to the Convention - summary
Privacy International: UK mass interception laws violates human rights and the fight continues...
Big Brother Watch: UK mass surveillance found unlawful by Europe’s highest human rights court
Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden
European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, Judgment 25.5.2021
Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ)
Judgment of the Court in Joined Cases C-339/20 | VD and C-397/20
Privacy International
The Court of Justice confirms that EU law precludes national legislation requiring a provider of electronic communications services to carry out the general and indiscriminate transmission or retention of traffic data and location data for the purpose of combating crime in general or of safeguarding national security. Presseskriv fra ECJ og dommens tekst (6.Oct.2020).
La Quadrature du Net
Dommens tekst (6.Oct.2020)
ECG Advocate General’s Opinion: national security mass retention regimes are incompatible with EU Law
Court of Appeal rules Government surveillance regime IS unlawful, UK Jan.2018
Data Retention,
Proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications (10/1 2017)
EU data protection watchdogs support stronger ePrivacy legislation (EDRI 3/5 2017)
Data Protection/GDPR
2016: Reg.(EU)2016/679 og flere formater/språk (EU's database )
The Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive
Court of Justice of the European Union on PNR Canada-EU: A number of provisions ofthe draft agreement are incompatible withEU fundamental rights (Sept. 2016)
EU data chief says passenger information bill is unjustified
Post DLD
European Court of Justice/Sweden: Invalidation of Data Retention Obligations (21.Dec.2016)
EU lawyers tell Member States: Blanket communications data retention "no longer possible" (23 Jun2014)
Datalagring (Telia, Telenor, m.fl.) fortsätter trots andra besked
DataRetention DLD
(Directive 2006/24/EC)
Judgment of the ECJ in Digital Rights Ireland data retention challenge (8.April 2014)
(more, in several languages from
EU DG Justic on Data Retention 23.Aug2012
Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC)
Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC) - without impact assessment (28.4.2011)
The EU Data Retention Directive: a case study in the legitimacy andeffectiveness of EU counter-terrorism policy (Statewatch 2014)
EU Parlament MEPs cast doubt on controversial rules for keeping data on phone and internet use (25-10-2012)
EU: Revision of Data Retention Directive put on hold with "no precise timetable" for a new proposal (13.Aug.2012)
EU Data Retention Directive: Evaluation, The Article 29 Working Party...
Data Retention survey (deadline 22.Mar.2012)
EU Commission: Data retention too sensitive to be publicly debated (17 Feb 2012)
Review (with link to EC review letter) Dec.2011
Postponed the regular review of the controversial directive which according to recent reports is expected to be finalised in 2014 (Jun2013)
DLD status pr. Jan.2012 International Privacy Day: Fighting Data Retention Mandates Around the World
Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC) - Discussion paper
WP29 criticizes the implementation of the EU data retention directive 28 July, 2010
Hva er DLD blitt (mis)brukt til: Grovt misbruk av datalagringsdirektivet
Fortsatt leter en etter halmstrå som kan nyttes for å forsvare DLD ovenfor offentligheten 04/01/2012
Oversettelse En Original De
EU Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on Data Retention (refuse the directive 21.5.2005)
EU Status rapport:
Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive 18.4.2011 (EU)
DLD Status rapport EU 15.12.2011
Kommentarer til DLD statusrapport av 15.12.2011: Leaked updated data retention law draft reveals EU concerns
Center for Democracy & Technology, "Data retention mandates: A threat to privacy, free expression and business development”, October 2011, Washington
Why Prism's European Fallout Will Be Fragmented, June 10, 2013
Federal Constitutional Court - Press office: Data Retention in present form is unconstitutional Mar.2010
Data retention useless for tackling crime, says German pressure group
DLD hjalp ikke for forebyggig eller løsing av krim (fra Tyskland)
Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law on Data Retention
Schutzlücken durch Wegfall der Vorratsdatenspeicherung? (in German, se "DLD og Tyskland")
AK-Vorrat Portal info
EU Legal opinion on data retention misses the point (19 May 2012)
EU Commissioner refuses to consider making blanket data retention optional (26 Apr 2012)
Du vil bli overvåket hvert annet minutt & Dagens Næringsliv
DLD forslag/doc/prop.49L og andre unntaks/regler
DLD Prop 49 L Hva skal lagres
Post & Teletilsynets høring 2012 - Denne er nå fjernet fra nettet (dessverre)
Lovdata (16.05.2013) Datalagringsforskriften
In Denmark, Online Tracking of Citizens is an Unwieldy Failure (22. May 2013)
DLD erfaring fra Danmark 2012
Dine mindste bevægelser kan følges skridt for skridt 2012
Dansk lov Bekendtgørelse om udbydere af elektroniske kommunikationsnets og elektroniske kommunikationstjenesters registrering og opbevaring af oplysninger om teletrafik (logningsbekendtgørelsen)
DLD Czech Court rules against investigators accessing telecommunications data: Jan.2012
DLD Romania New Data Retention Law Rejected by the Senate IRIS 2012-2:1/33
Poland: Almost 2 million accesses to electronic communication data 11.Apr.2012
Data Retention before the Slovak Constitutional Court Oct. 2012
Data Retention law faces challenge before Constitutional Court Oct.2012
Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia challenges data retention before Constitutional Court 19.03.2013
European data retention rule could violate fundamental E.U. law, Austrian court says Dec 19, 2012
European Data Retention Directive At Work: Polish Authorities Abuse Access to Users' Data 11.Apr.2012
Privacy - Data Protection
Does it help or hinder? Promotion of Innovation on the Internet and Citizens’ Right to Privacy, Study 2011
EU Consultation on the Commission's comprehensive approach on personal data protection (+ Report)
Article 29 Working Party to OBA Industry on Meeting Cookie Consent Requirement: "Nice try, but..."
European Parliament delays vote on sharing passenger data with US authorities (Jun2013)
European Commission Blames Social Networks For ACTA Failure; Worried About Its Imminent Directive On Copyright Enforcement
Proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications (10/1 2017)
EU data protection watchdogs support stronger ePrivacy legislation (EDRI 3/5 2017)
Data Protection/GDPR
2016: Reg.(EU)2016/679 og flere formater/språk (EU's database )
The Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive
2016: Dir.(EU) 2016/680
Court of Justice of the European Union on PNR Canada-EU: A number of provisions ofthe draft agreement are incompatible withEU fundamental rights (Sept. 2016)
EU data chief says passenger information bill is unjustified
Post DLD
European Court of Justice/Sweden: Invalidation of Data Retention Obligations (21.Dec.2016)
EU lawyers tell Member States: Blanket communications data retention "no longer possible" (23 Jun2014)
Datalagring (Telia, Telenor, m.fl.) fortsätter trots andra besked
DataRetention DLD
(Directive 2006/24/EC)
Judgment of the ECJ in Digital Rights Ireland data retention challenge (8.April 2014)
(more, in several languages from
EU DG Justic on Data Retention 23.Aug2012
Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC)
Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC) - without impact assessment (28.4.2011)
The EU Data Retention Directive: a case study in the legitimacy andeffectiveness of EU counter-terrorism policy (Statewatch 2014)
EU Parlament MEPs cast doubt on controversial rules for keeping data on phone and internet use (25-10-2012)
EU: Revision of Data Retention Directive put on hold with "no precise timetable" for a new proposal (13.Aug.2012)
EU Data Retention Directive: Evaluation, The Article 29 Working Party...
Data Retention survey (deadline 22.Mar.2012)
EU Commission: Data retention too sensitive to be publicly debated (17 Feb 2012)
Review (with link to EC review letter) Dec.2011
Postponed the regular review of the controversial directive which according to recent reports is expected to be finalised in 2014 (Jun2013)
DLD status pr. Jan.2012 International Privacy Day: Fighting Data Retention Mandates Around the World
Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC) - Discussion paper
WP29 criticizes the implementation of the EU data retention directive 28 July, 2010
Hva er DLD blitt (mis)brukt til: Grovt misbruk av datalagringsdirektivet
Fortsatt leter en etter halmstrå som kan nyttes for å forsvare DLD ovenfor offentligheten 04/01/2012
Oversettelse En Original De
EU Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on Data Retention (refuse the directive 21.5.2005)
EU Status rapport:
Evaluation report on the Data Retention Directive 18.4.2011 (EU)
DLD Status rapport EU 15.12.2011
Kommentarer til DLD statusrapport av 15.12.2011: Leaked updated data retention law draft reveals EU concerns
Center for Democracy & Technology, "Data retention mandates: A threat to privacy, free expression and business development”, October 2011, Washington
Why Prism's European Fallout Will Be Fragmented, June 10, 2013
Federal Constitutional Court - Press office: Data Retention in present form is unconstitutional Mar.2010
Data retention useless for tackling crime, says German pressure group
DLD hjalp ikke for forebyggig eller løsing av krim (fra Tyskland)
Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law on Data Retention
Schutzlücken durch Wegfall der Vorratsdatenspeicherung? (in German, se "DLD og Tyskland")
AK-Vorrat Portal info
EU Legal opinion on data retention misses the point (19 May 2012)
EU Commissioner refuses to consider making blanket data retention optional (26 Apr 2012)
Du vil bli overvåket hvert annet minutt & Dagens Næringsliv
DLD forslag/doc/prop.49L og andre unntaks/regler
DLD Prop 49 L Hva skal lagres
Post & Teletilsynets høring 2012 - Denne er nå fjernet fra nettet (dessverre)
Lovdata (16.05.2013) Datalagringsforskriften
In Denmark, Online Tracking of Citizens is an Unwieldy Failure (22. May 2013)
DLD erfaring fra Danmark 2012
Dine mindste bevægelser kan følges skridt for skridt 2012
Dansk lov Bekendtgørelse om udbydere af elektroniske kommunikationsnets og elektroniske kommunikationstjenesters registrering og opbevaring af oplysninger om teletrafik (logningsbekendtgørelsen)
DLD Czech Court rules against investigators accessing telecommunications data: Jan.2012
DLD Romania New Data Retention Law Rejected by the Senate IRIS 2012-2:1/33
Poland: Almost 2 million accesses to electronic communication data 11.Apr.2012
Data Retention before the Slovak Constitutional Court Oct. 2012
Data Retention law faces challenge before Constitutional Court Oct.2012
Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia challenges data retention before Constitutional Court 19.03.2013
European data retention rule could violate fundamental E.U. law, Austrian court says Dec 19, 2012
European Data Retention Directive At Work: Polish Authorities Abuse Access to Users' Data 11.Apr.2012
Privacy - Data Protection
Does it help or hinder? Promotion of Innovation on the Internet and Citizens’ Right to Privacy, Study 2011
EU Consultation on the Commission's comprehensive approach on personal data protection (+ Report)
Article 29 Working Party to OBA Industry on Meeting Cookie Consent Requirement: "Nice try, but..."
European Parliament delays vote on sharing passenger data with US authorities (Jun2013)
Huma Rights
Retention and disclosure of police caution data infringe Article 8 – Charles Bourne M.M. v United Kingdom (Application no. 24029/07), UK Human Rights BlogHumor?
European Commission Blames Social Networks For ACTA Failure; Worried About Its Imminent Directive On Copyright Enforcement
Online privacy: "The right to be left alone -
the most comprehensive of rights, and the right most valued by a free people."
- Justice Louis Brandeis, Olmstead v. U.S. (1928).
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marked ©BLysaa are CopyRighted
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